Finding Harmony Podcast
What is a spiritual practice? How does it work? How will it improve my life? How will deepening my self-care transform me? What strategies can I use to improve my life, increase my health, and create wellness? How can craft a life that I love? The Finding Harmony Podcast gets to the root of all these questions. Each episode is full of inspiration, humour, honest observations, and actionable steps that you can integrate to enhance your experience of self-love, develop a connection to Spirit, and create a life you truly love.
Sunday Nov 12, 2023
Sunday Nov 12, 2023
Today I’m speaking with the O.G of Ashtanga podcasting. The woman who started “Ashtanga Dispatch,” the first podcast dedicated to Ashtanga yoga teaching, (long before most of us even knew what a podcast was, let alone had a library of them stored on our phones).
That’s right. I’m sitting down with the lovely Peg Mulqueen to talk about the benefits of having a mentor and how it’s different than being in a student-teacher relationship.
We offer some simple exercises to help you become more aware of your unconscious patterns, beliefs, and thoughts. We also have a fun debate over whether or not the physical asana practice is necessary to actually experience the benefits of yoga or not.
You’ll also hear our personal insights around some of the ways we’ve learned to deepen our own experiences yoga, both on and off the mat.
Peg writes: “Yoga is a path that returns us to wholeness, leading us home to what is our true nature. And it’s this sense of belonging and balance, along with a feeling of kinship and support, we hope you will find here. For while yoga may ultimately be an individual journey, you don’t have to walk it alone.”
And this is exactly what we’ll be exploring today in this beautiful conversation between friends. I hope you take what you need and that it supports you in your personal practice + spiritual growth.
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A big heart of thanks to our friends, family, and students from around the world, who’ve generously supported this podcast through your comments, sharing, and financial donations. If you’ve enjoyed today’s podcast, please consider supporting our future episodes by making a donation.
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Opening and closing music by Nick Evans from his album “for Morgan.” Listen to the entire album on Spotify Here. Purchase your own copy Here.
Sunday Nov 05, 2023
Sunday Nov 05, 2023
“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, There is a field. I'll meet you there. When the soul lies down in that grass,The world is too full to talk about... Ideas, language, even the phrase each other doesn't make any sense.” - Rumi
This is the metaphorical field where we join our dear Irish friend, Luke Jordan, in conversation today.
This conversation is delicious. It left us craving for more. There’s simply is no good place to stop when souls join and dance together out beyond the world of ideas and language. So, we simply hit record and sank deeply into Luke’s vibe… and let time slip away.
We sure hope conversation delights you in the same way. Drop a comment and let us know. We would love to hear from you.
It’s such a treasured experience to connect with someone so self-aware, so thoughtful, and so ready to deconstruct every presumption, every belief, and even reality itself.
And, yet, our desire to hang to these fleeting moments in time, is simply one more attachment obstructing our freedom and the experiencing of allowing and letting go.
What happens when yoga practitioners get mixed up and mistake the practice of yoga as the thing that’s going to liberate them?
What happens when you realize you’ve given up the opiate of the world and only to become addicted to the methadone of yoga?
Yoga is a base, a foundation for spiritual growth, for the exploration of WHO AM I?
A clue to help us answer the questions: What is life? What is love?
No Guru can tell you what is the truth of your own inner voice because that exists for your ears only.
So… question every thought. Question Every Belief.
Because beliefs, as Luke tells us, are the basis of violence.
Yoga is the undoing of the endemic, unconscious ways of being in the world. But, don’t get caught up doing yoga, my friends… that only leads back to blindness and keeps you stuck in the same old unconscious patterns you were trying to escape from in the first place.
Catch our first episode with Luke from 2021 here
Listen to “The Empty Mirror with Luke Jordan” (our first interview from 2021) on iTunes Here
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A big heart of thanks to our friends, family, and students from around the world, who’ve generously supported this podcast through your comments, sharing, and financial donations. If you’ve enjoyed today’s podcast, please consider supporting our future episodes by making a donation.
Every little bit goes a long way and we are immensely grateful for any and all of your support.
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★★★★★ Please Give us a 5★ rating!
Opening and closing music by Nick Evans from his album “for Morgan.” Listen to the entire album on Spotify Here. Purchase your own copy Here.
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Did you know that how you breathe can help to regulate blood sugar levels, improve insulin sensitivity, and reduce the risk of complications from diabetes?
But that’s only a fraction of what a conscious slow breathing practice can do for you!
Today, we dive into the fascinating world of breathwork and its profound impact on managing diabetes, reducing stress, and enhancing our overall health and well-being, whether you’re a diabetic or not!
Nick Heath, famously known as The Breathing Diabetic, joins us today to share valuable insights, not only from his own personal experience, but also from his extensive research in the area of breathing and how it effects us on every level.
Stress reduction is a critical focus point for almost every person alive on the planet today. Stress can have a significant impact on our health and is an underlying cause for many physical and mental health conditions.
Nick dives into the science behind why it’s so important to develop a breathwork practice, how it helps to activate the body's relaxation response, lower stress hormones, helps us sleep better, and promote a greater sense of calm.
We talk about some of differences between mouth breathing verses nose breathing and the natural affiliation a conscious breathwork practice has with mindfulness meditation. We learn the science behind why, when we focus on our breath, we effortlessly increase our ability to concentrate, and this changes how we perceive the world.
More often than not, we take for granted the fact that we’re breathing.
But HOW we breathe significantly influences our mental, emotional and physical health and developing a regular slow breathing practice can change our physiology, increase our ability to focus, modulate emotional states, and regulate our nervous system.
Don’t wait another year!
Learn more about mindful breathing and how to include a conscious breathwork practice into your daily routine.
Reduce Anxiety + Increase Calm Join my FREE Masterclass This Week!
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A big heart of thanks to our friends, family, and students from around the world, who’ve generously supported this podcast through your comments, sharing, and financial donations. If you’ve enjoyed today’s podcast, please consider supporting our future episodes by making a donation.
Every little bit goes a long way and we are immensely grateful for any and all of your support.
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★★★★★ Please Give us a 5★ rating!
Opening and closing music by Nick Evans from his album “for Morgan.” Listen to the entire album on Spotify Here. Purchase your own copy Here.
Sunday Oct 22, 2023
Sunday Oct 22, 2023
Today we explore the epic yoga battle between the Iyengar school and the Ashtanga school, as we sit down with author, yoga practitioner, three-time Fullbright fellow to India, researcher, editor, and Professor of English and Creative Writing at Penn State University, Elizabeth Kadetsky!
Elizabeth’s took up the study of yoga when she was a teenager (back in 1984, but who’s counting?) and she continues to practice yoga today. After twelve years studying in Iyengar studios, she finally met BKS Iyengar at a talk he was giving in New York City in 1996.
You may have hear of her very popular book, First There Is a Mountain (published in 2004). This book was intended to be the original “Eat, Pray, Love.” As early yoga students, it was the first of it’s kind.
This book chronicles a year where Elizabeth worked directly with the great Yoga Master, BKS Iyengar, while she was researching his role in the history of Indian Independence and the complicated dance between East and West.
Later her practice evolved to include many forms of Hatha Yoga and also Ashtanga yoga, which is how she first met Russell, while practising with Guy Donahaye, in New York city.
Today, we’re learning about her research around the authenticity of the origin stories we were told about the yoga practice and how yoga’s being weaponized by the Right-Wing politics of India. We look at how the idea of anything as a “Pure Tradition” can become a toxic premise upon which racism festers.
The world has always been a global place and we should celebrate the continuation of cultural exchange. Building bridges instead of walls.
We’re also diving into her current and ongoing research about a set of stolen goddess sculptures from India, and the great debate around whether these recently found stolen works of art should be returned back to their place of origin or not.
What is the difference between a temple, a church, or a museum?
Should great works of art belong to a more universal collective or to a particular group or person?
Does the repatriation of art, actually right a colonial wrong? And what happens to these works of art once they are returned back to their native land? What kind of transparency and accountability is required of a government who takes back their stolen works of art to the rest of the global community?
If you’re ready to examine the intersection of politics, art, and yoga and what’s our responsibility is as conscious leaders and yoga practitioners… This is the conversation for you!
A big heart of thanks to our friends, family, and students from around the world, who’ve generously supported this podcast through your
comments, sharing, and financial donations. If you’ve enjoyed today’s podcast, please consider supporting our future episodes by making a donation.
Every little bit goes a long way and we are immensely grateful for any and all of your support.
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Opening and closing music by Nick Evans from his album “for Morgan.” Listen to the entire album on Spotify Here. Purchase your own copy Here.
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
When Tina Turner, often dubbed the “Queen of Rock ‘N’ Roll,” died at her home in Küsnacht, Switzerland, on May 24, 2023, what many did not know is that Ms. Turner had practiced Soka Gakkai International Nichiren Buddhism for the last 50 years.
Nichiren taught that chanting the title of this scripture in the form of the mantralike phrase “Nam-myoho-renge-kyo” was the way for all people to reveal their inherent potential for awakening and attain buddhahood.
Turner explained: “As I began studying Buddhist teachings and chanting more, it led me to take responsibility for my life and to base my choices on wisdom, courage, and compassion. Not long after I started chanting, I began to see that the power I needed to change my life was already within me.”
Russell had proposed titling this episode “Big Wheel Keeps on Turnin’ with Dr. Ralph Craig” but this title works better as our guest today is the the eminent author of a new spiritual biography of Tina Turner.
So it is with great humility and delight that we sat down and discussed all things yoga, growing up Louisiana, and Mick Jagger’s appropriation of Ms. Turner’s Dance Moves.
“Moves like Tina Turner” should have been the damn song, but alas, yet again our African American progenitors miss out on their due.
But not today, Lord!
We’re talking Ashtanga yoga, philosophy, and the importance of discipline in attaining true wisdom from your spiritual practice.
This is basically a class in history, philosophy, Sanskrit and culture all wrapped up into one delicious conversation that we know will enrich your lives!
Our guest, Dr. Ralph H. Craig III received his BA in Theological Studies at Loyola Marymount University, where his studies included comparative theology and Yoga Studies. He received his Ph.D. in Religious Studies from Stanford University, where he specialized in Buddhist Studies and in American Religions. His dissertation explored medieval representations of Buddhist preachers across South Asian Buddhist literature. He is also the author of Dancing In My Dreams: A Spiritual Biography of Tina Turner, which will be released in November 7, 2023 by Eerdmans Press in the Library of Religious Biography Series.
Other interests include philosophy, metaphysical religion, religious experience, African American religious history, and religion and popular culture.
Be sure to order your copy of Dancing in My Dreams!
A big heart of thanks to our friends, family, and students from around the world, who’ve generously supported this podcast through your
comments, sharing, and financial donations. If you’ve enjoyed today’s podcast, please consider supporting our future episodes by making a donation.
Every little bit goes a long way and we are immensely grateful for any and all of your support.
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Opening and closing music by Nick Evans from his album “for Morgan.” Listen to the entire album on Spotify Here. Purchase your own copy Here.
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
Today we’re diving deep into the secret feelings of guilt and shame we often carry -- but don’t dare to speak about or admit… not even to ourselves.
We're sitting down with Anna Surrey, an Intuitive Eating & Positive Body Image Coach to openly explore some of the very deep patterns we carry around eating, dieting, and food.
Anna grew up in Germany and moved to Australia at the age of 20, where she taught Pilates and was seemingly a beacon of healthy eating, with the body to show for it. But, there was still some secretly lingering patterns of anorexia and binge-eating that lurked in the shadows, cloaking hidden feelings of self-loathing and shame.
One night, she had a breakthrough (disguised as a breakdown, which they often are) when she became fully present to the hellish experience tangled up inside her relationship to food, to her own body, and all the behaviours associated with it.
This moment led her on the deepest spiritual journey of her life and brought her to the work she’s doing now. She began the process of excavating and facing her deepest fears and insecurities — and realizing that this unconscious body shame is actually here to be a profound teacher in our lives.
Anna teaches a non-diet approach to overcome food challenges such as binge, over- and emotional eating. She assists women to re-learn how to trust their bodies to make food choices that feel good- without self judgment or shame.
Anna struggled for 20 years with a wide range of disordered eating behaviours, health & weight obsession, exercise addiction and body-dysmorphia.
This all changed once she discovered how to trust her body through the freedom of intuitive eating.
For the first time, she experienced confidence, well-being, and feeling truly at home in her body like ever before.
Since then she has been working with women in her 1:1 mentorship program: Food Freedom Solution.
Anna combines a wide range of techniques and tools to help her clients overcome their own personal food and eating challenges- without dieting or food restrictions.
If you’ve been struggling with your relationship to your body, food, or exercise obsession, then this is one conversation you won’t want to avoid.
We’re exploring how these sneaky, self-destructive patterns can show up in unconscious ways that slowly erode our confidence and sense of worthiness, stealing joy from all areas of our lives, and some specific things you can do to free yourself from this trap!
A big heart of thanks to our friends, family, and students from around the world, who’ve generously supported this podcast through your
comments, sharing, and financial donations. If you’ve enjoyed today’s podcast, please consider supporting our future episodes by making a donation.
Every little bit goes a long way and we are immensely grateful for any and all of your support.
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Opening and closing music by Nick Evans from his album “for Morgan.” Listen to the entire album on Spotify Here. Purchase your own copy Here.
Sunday Sep 17, 2023
Sunday Sep 17, 2023
Helena first stepped onto the Ashtanga mat when she was 19 years old. Coming out of her rebellious teen years, filled with drug abusing and running away from home.
She was instantly bewitched by the method and has been practicing asana along with self-inquiry, ever since.
In 2008, after 6 years of daily practice and studying Ayurveda to become a therapist, Helena made her first trip to KPJAYI in Mysore, India, and also spent time in Kerala to further her studies in Ayurveda.
In 2010, after a one month training with Sharath Jois, (director of KPJAYI in Mysore) she was granted Authorisation Level 1 and received Level 2 in 2014.
While practicing and teaching in Brazil, Helena learned from many famous teachers including Fabio Sayão, Matthew Vollmer, and Osnir Cugenotta. For almost a decade she taught daily Mysore in São Paulo, offering classes in many different centers before founding her own Yoga Shala, Ashtanga Pitanga, where she directed and taught the Mysore program for 2 years.
A huge shift in her life happened when she moved to London in 2016, where she ran the Mysore Program at Triyoga Chelsea for the next two years. She began teaching internationally in other countries like Portugal, France, Germany and Purple Valley, Goa (while assisting Mark Robberds - listen to our episode #57 with Mark Robberds HERE). Helena continued to deepen her yoga studies with an intensive period of study with Gregor Maehle and Monica Gauci.
In 2019, she gave birth to her beautiful little boy Leornado and they decided to move to Valencia, Spain, with her partner. She’s now living in Palma de Mallorca, and has opened up EARTH YOGA in Santa Catalina.
LAST WEEK TO JOIN THIS FREE MASTERCLASS: 3 Sneaky Mistakes That Kill Productivity & Tank Profits
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A big heart of thanks to our friends, family, and students from around the world, who’ve generously supported this podcast through your
comments, sharing, and financial donations. If you’ve enjoyed today’s podcast, please consider supporting our future episodes by making a donation.
Every little bit goes a long way and we are immensely grateful for any and all of your support.
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Opening and closing music by Nick Evans from his album “for Morgan.” Listen to the entire album on Spotify Here. Purchase your own copy Here.
Sunday Sep 10, 2023
Sunday Sep 10, 2023
If you've ever felt overwhelmed by having to come up with yet another idea for dinner… Feeling a lack of time and physically exhausted at the end of a long day; But, you still want to eat delicious, healthy food… This episode is for you!
We're going to discuss a few practical strategies to help you overcome some of the common obstacles we face when we think about how to feed ourselves in a nourishing way.
Lia Huber is with us today! She’s inspiring us to find joy in preparing simple foods in the most delicious way, in a time that doesn’t take hours out of your day. She’s giving us some helpful hits on how to easily whip up a healthy meal that makes feeding your family in a nutritious way.
The same way we have a spiritual practice or a yoga practice, we are needing to look at how we plan and prepare our food as an eating practice — and to frame it this way, changes everything!
Download her free training: How to Plan, Prep, and Cook Easy Weeknight Meals
You’ll learn her system Nourished 1-2-3, which makes cooking dinner all week something that happens with love and ease!
Dive into her 3-part mini-series: What to Eat to be Nourished (and How to Make it Happen in Real Life)
Learn about the “Time Constraint Dilemma,” and how to stop conflating time when it comes to thinking about meal planning and cooking. You’ll learn to foolproof your life so you’re guaranteed time to refill your cup and make cooking an enjoyable, easy experience, that nourishes not only your body, but also your spirit!
Lia Huber is a guiding light to home cooks everywhere, who speaks not just to the “how-to,” but to the deeper “why.”
FREE MASTERCLASS: 3 Sneaky Mistakes That Kill Productivity & Tank Profits
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Come practice with Harmony in person in 2023 -
Barcelona: September 22 - 26, 2023
Madrid: September 27 - October 1, 2023
Find Harmony & Russell in Cleveland, OH: November 3 - 6, 2023
Nourished: A Memoir of Food, Faith and Enduring Love (with Recipes)
Free Training: How to Plan, Prep, and Cook Easy Weeknight Meals
3-part mini-series: What to Eat to be Nourished (and How to Make it Happen in Real Life)
A big heart of thanks to our friends, family, and students from around the world, who’ve generously supported this podcast through your
comments, sharing, and financial donations. If you’ve enjoyed today’s podcast, please consider supporting our future episodes by making a donation.
Every little bit goes a long way and we are immensely grateful for any and all of your support.
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Opening and closing music by Nick Evans from his album “for Morgan.” Listen to the entire album on Spotify Here. Purchase your own copy Here.
Sunday Sep 03, 2023
Sunday Sep 03, 2023
If you've ever felt overwhelmed by a lack of time or physical fatigue, this episode is for you.
We're going to discuss a few practical strategies to help you overcome some of these obstacles and create a sustainable spiritual wellness practice.
Whether you're feeling pressed for time, exhausted, or over committed, I'm giving you some helpful ways to slow down and create a practice that both nourishes your spirit and gives you energy!
If you enjoyed this episode, don't miss out on my FREE Workshop happening THIS Saturday, Sept.9
SIGN UP HERE - or click my IG Bio Link: @harmonyslaterofficial
Come practice with Harmony in person in 2023 -
Barcelona: September 22 - 26, 2023
Madrid: September 27 - October 1, 2023
Find Harmony & Russell in Cleveland, OH: November 3 - 6, 2023
A big heart of thanks to our friends, family, and students from around the world, who’ve generously supported this podcast through your
comments, sharing, and financial donations. If you’ve enjoyed today’s podcast, please consider supporting our future episodes by making a donation.
Every little bit goes a long way and we are immensely grateful for any and all of your support.
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Opening and closing music by Nick Evans from his album “for Morgan.” Listen to the entire album on Spotify Here. Purchase your own copy Here.
Sunday Aug 27, 2023
Sunday Aug 27, 2023
The Buddha counsels a grieving mother unable to come to terms with her son’s death to visit her neighbors door-to-door, and to collect a mustard seed from each household untouched by death. By the evening, her empty hands and new understanding enable the grieving mother to bury her son and become a disciple of the Buddha.
The Lily Pad Sutra
We’ll cherish this interview with our dear friend, the lovely Scott Johnson. We do try to find parallels with our guests, of course, as a regular listener - you know. And, certainly we explored misspent youths, broken childhoods, and our inevitable slide down a windy road that eventually turns into a spiritual path.
Scott is a sensitive soul. His gentle, compassionate, kind energy is transmitted not only through his teaching style, but you’ll feel it in the way he speaks.
The space we enter around him is saturated with loving kindness.
And yet.. some things are not so easy to share.
It goes without saying that we all have experienced loss to some degree or another.
To be sure, we would give up quite soon if we were tasked with looking for our own mustard seeds. Loss is inevitable.
Still, the passing of a dear friend, a joyously beautiful spirit, like Scott’s partner Ozge, is soul tearing, and spirit breaking. It’s quite hard to find common ground there. Even if we have experienced the loss of close friends ourselves. Each experience of loss is so unique.
That said, we’re grateful to Scott for sharing his story, his friendship, his wisdom, and his time with us. Somehow we came away encouraged about our community and the transformative power of the Ashtanga yoga practice.
We hope you enjoy this episode and find your own sense of encouragement, hope, and healing through absorbing and also integrating a new approach to your breath and movement practice. Maybe you’ll even find a Stillpoint amidst the chaos of an ever changing world.
Come practice with Harmony in person in 2023 -
Barcelona: September 22 - 26, 2023
Madrid: September 27 - October 1, 2023
Find Harmony & Russell in Cleveland, OH: November 3 - 6, 2023
A big heart of thanks to our friends, family, and students from around the world, who’ve generously supported this podcast through your
comments, sharing, and financial donations. If you’ve enjoyed today’s podcast, please consider supporting our future episodes by making a donation.
Every little bit goes a long way and we are immensely grateful for any and all of your support.
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Opening and closing music by Nick Evans from his album “for Morgan.” Listen to the entire album on Spotify Here. Purchase your own copy Here.