Sunday Mar 27, 2022
Zeena Kalisperides: A Greek Warrior Princess?
During the course of this morning’s conversation we touched on the subject of authenticity. How does someone become real we asked?
And it was said that Sunny Boy Williamson whispered this to John Lennon once about the Rolling Stones, “They’re plastic soul, John.”
So, he called Paul, and named his album “Rubber Soul.” After a long time of practice and effort the Rolling Stones became real and they made Gimme Shelter… and nothing has been more real since.
This said, our guest today is not a Greek Warrior Princess. She is neither Greek nor a Princess!
She is, in fact, Mauritian, speaks Creole, was born in London to nurses and very seriously grew up destined to be a Dentist.
Though she had her dharma firmly in hand, she got a little hunched in the shoulders from bending over all those open-mouthed patients, and a little frustrated holistically let’s say, with the narrowness of that profession.
And so, she decided to pursue a new dharma, one more aligned with her true self. She became a yogi. Much like her mother and in harmony with the heritage of her grandparents and great-grandparents.
We spoke with Zeena on some surprisingly hot topics. We went looking for answers to some difficult questions regarding appropriation and appreciation? What is the difference? Does appropriation have to do with breaking ahimsa (non-harming)?
We talked about privilege, racism, and defining our present understanding of past experiences — as uncomfortable as that new understanding might be… like our work with the transgressions of Pattabhi Jois.
It was incredible that these typically uncomfortable and very difficult topics became easy to discus with Zeena — Her infectious humour and grace allowed us to flow with ease and gentleness.
She is a rare gem.
“Wherever there has been pain and some form of practice or reverence has been born from that pain… We feel protective around it.”
JOIN HARMONY APRIL 10th - Spirit-Centered Self-Care Retreat
The Finding Harmony Podcast is hosted, edited and produced by Harmony Slater and co-hosted by Russell Case.
A big heart of thanks to our friends, family, and students from around the world, who’ve generously supported this podcast through your comments, sharing, and financial donations. If you’ve enjoyed today’s podcast, please consider supporting our future episodes by making a donation. Every little bit goes a long way and we are immensely grateful for any and all of your support.
Make A Donation - www.harmonyslater.com
Opening and closing music compliments of my dear friend teaching Ashtanga yoga in Eindhoven, Nick Evans, with his band “dawnSong” from the album “for Morgan.” Listen to the entire album on Spotify - Click Here.
To purchase your own copy - Click Here.