Sunday Sep 13, 2020

Yoga and the Art of Porsche Maintenance

We had the great pleasure to interview our good friend, partner of Harmony’s dear friend Lara Land, the amazing Thimo Wittich. What strikes people about Thimo is his wonderful kindness and good humor. He is very much a sadhaka, like Rolf Naujokat and Swami Agehananda—all Good Germans. Ultimately, just good people that seek to heal the world through mindfulness practice.

Thimo sat and discussed a wide range of topics with us: The Ancient Catholic Carnival of his home town Cologne “Köln”, the anti-religious upbringing he shared with his widowed mother, and the ethics of being a Good Porsche owner. Throughout all of this he seeks to bring Bhavana—the cultivation or “bringing into being” of mindfulness to all aspects of his life, including how he cares for his baby daughter, Hannah.

“We are cultivating all the time, bringing things into being.” He says. You must create a clear intention in what you want to cultivate and use Metta — loving-kindness, as a practice to help heal our brokenness as individuals in society and as a global community.

As a Jew, Russell was initially very apprehensive about even having a German on the show. (This is very much tongue in cheek!)

We did, however, ask of Thimo on how we, as Americans, can learn from the racist upheaval of Post-War Germany and what was it like for Lara’s old German-Jewish family to bring Thimo in their lives and vice versa. These very personal topics are approached from a spirit of true curiosity and with much mutual love.

Peel Back The Layers with our Autumn Retreat October 2-4. Join myself, Russell Case, Lara Land and Thimo Wittich for our AUTUMN YOGA RETREAT ONLINE.

Thimo Wittich is a writer, publisher and a yoga and mindfulness meditation teacher. He has been studying Yoga and Buddhism for over 13 years. His main field of interest is the study of the Dharma as found in the earliest Buddhist texts and the transmission of these valuable teachings into this day and age.

Thimo has taught Meditation and Yoga at Land Yoga and assisted his teacher at the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts.

Thimo is the co-founder and editor of a German online magazine for a conscious, sustainable and healthy lifestyle.

This fall he is teaching an online Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction course for Land Yoga as well as a social distant, limited enrollment in person MBSR course at Streamside Yoga. He is also leading daily meditation and a special course on early Buddhism for our online Autumn Peel Back the Layers Yoga Retreat.

For further information about his schedule please see his website.

Opening and closing music compliments of my dear friend teaching Ashtanga yoga in Eindhoven, Nick Evans, with his band “dawnSong” from the album “for Morgan.” Listen to the entire album on Spotify - Simply Click Here.
To purchase your own copy - Click Here.

Harmony Slater

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