Sunday May 24, 2020

The After Birth Experience

In this episode, I speak about what my personal experience was like after giving birth and how the practice of Ashtanga yoga helped to put the pieces of myself back together again.

Russell and I discuss different approaches to the practice postpartum, and how (after becoming a mother) your life will never be the same. Learning to practice anywhere, at any time, and letting go of the results is an essential part of thee journey, and the lessons learned during those early days will continue to inform your understanding of yoga throughout the years. Find out more about Harmony on her website and Instagram.

Opening and closing music compliments of my dear friend teaching Ashtanga Yoga in Eindhoven, Nick Evans with his band "dawnSong" from the album "for Morgan." Listen to the entire album on Spotify - simply click Here. To purchase your own copy - click Here.

Harmony Slater

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