Sunday Jun 07, 2020
Planting Seeds To Breathe
We are delighted to share this episode featuring an interview with my dear friend and Authorized Ashtanga Yoga teacher, Lara Land. As many of you may already know, Lara is the founder and director of the non-profit organization, Three And A Half Acres, whose mission is to teach yoga, breathing and mindfulness techniques to underserved communities.
Lara was very generous to take time out of her busy day to sit down and have this conversation with us!
We begin by hearing how she started her yoga journey at Boston University, and how this love for yoga eventually took her to India and also Africa, where she taught HIV Positive women and children in Rwanda. After returning to New York, Lara opened a yoga studio, Land Yoga, in the heart of Harlem. You will also hear about how her work has brought police officers and black youth together through the practice of yoga, within Harlem.
Finally, she also touches upon her recent experience of becoming a new mother, and how having to juggling many different responsibilities has meant embracing a whole new mindset and discovering a new identity within herself altogether.
This podcast touches upon some important topics like diversity (or lack thereof) within the Ashtanga yoga community. And how we, as practitioners and teachers, can learn to become more inclusive in our approach and attitudes to help support populations that would otherwise not be exposed to this practice.
Find Lara on IG: Lara Land , Land Yoga NYC , Three And A Half Acres , Soul Fest Revolution
WEBSITES: Land Yoga , Lara Land , Three And A Half Acres , Soul Fest Revolution
Opening and closing music compliments of my dear friend teaching Ashtanga yoga in Eindhoven, Nick Evans with his band “dawnSong” from the album “for Morgan.” Listen to the entire album on Spotify - simply click Here. To purchase your own copy - click Here.