Sunday Oct 04, 2020

Grass Roots with Robert Moses

We were absolutely blown away when Robert Moses related the current pandemic of the Coronavirus to a powerful transformative goddess, Ma Corona Devi.

In this way, we most certainly felt like it was a blessing of the Mother Goddess Corona Devi, that this esteemed teacher of yoga, Robert Moses, came on our podcast to share with us personal stories from his incredible lifetime on the spiritual path.

Starting with being born in South Africa into a Jewish family, growing up during apartheid, to traveling through Europe in the 60’s on an architectural tour in a secondhand VW bus plastered with Lakshmi posters, and moving to Israel to become a renunciate Swami with the International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Organization.

He was first introduced to the method of Ashtanga yoga, as taught by Sri K Pattabhi Jois, by the pioneer Norman Allen, in 1982. Norman had called him gruffly out of the blue, after twelve years of living in India. The rules of the Sivananda “Yoga Ranch” were that Robert was to teach Norman, until it became clear that Norman had something different to teach Robert. Robert began practicing with Norman in a small loft in NYC, along with another pioneer, Beryl Bender-Birch, who was learning this novel style of asana — something that was completely foreign to North America at the time.

Robert Moses was the first person to show Derek Ireland Surya Namaskara, which started him on his journey to Pattabhi Jois in Mysore, and Derek in turn, taught John Scott and Hamish Hendry, propagating the Asthanga yoga community in Europe.

Robert Moses shares with us the wisdom he’s learned about holding strong to the middle path, staying true to oneself, and connecting to something greater.

I’m sure you will find this interview as historically fascinating and personally enlightening as we did.

If you are interested in joining Robert Moses for one of his Pranayama Classes, his course on Vedanta or Hatha Yoga, he will be beginning a new session of classes THIS WEEK!

Find all the details on his website.




Find out more about Harmony Slater and Russell Case and their upcoming offerings at and download my free e-book on Yoga Mythology.

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Opening and closing music compliments of my dear friend teaching Ashtanga yoga in Eindhoven, Nick Evans, with his band “dawnSong” from the album “for Morgan.” Listen to the entire album on Spotify - Simply Click Here.
To purchase your own copy - Click Here.

Harmony Slater

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