Sunday Mar 20, 2022
Eddie Stern: I’ll Be Your Mirror
Oi ga vay and Jesus Christ!
Happy Purim and Passover! Oh boy, do we have a special interview for you today!
We have someone we have wanted to speak to ever since we first initiated this Podcast: The Inimitable Eddie Stern!
But man, we had so many problems with this recording! Ha!
Just booking the time, some unexpected delays, so we just jumped right in without any introduction. Then we stopped so abruptly we lost the damn interview for weeks, only recovering the recording with a bit of technological magic.
You’ll feel absolutely transported as you jump right into our conversation with the iconic Eddie Stern… Talking about rectangles of all things and their place of importance in our world!
Around 3 minutes in, you’ll get to hear why (or why not) we always do postures to the right side first!
And, of all the outrageously unorthodox things we said in this interview, “jumping to the left” seems to epitomize how unconventional we’ve all become.
So listen now, as Eddie speaks to the origins of Revolved Side-Angle (parivrtta parsvakonasana) in the Ashtanga Sequence, and to the larger context of “Listening” within the yoga tradition.
What is it that we, as students, can learn from surrendering our own beliefs and desires to a steadier mind found in the teacher? Is this even necessary?
These days, Eddie is, surprisingly (or maybe not so surprisingly), directing his attention away from Pattabhi Jois’ lineage, no longer wanting to engage in that world and all that it represents. We ask him to speak about how we, as students, might find our way moving forward in a post-guru world.
It gets emotional.
Spoiler Alert!
Be sure not to miss the celebrity name drops at the end and a beautiful story about Lou Reed passing from life to death.
The Finding Harmony Podcast is hosted, edited and produced by Harmony Slater and co-hosted by Russell Case.
A big heart of thanks to our friends, family, and students from around the world, who’ve generously supported this podcast through your comments, sharing, and financial donations. If you’ve enjoyed today’s podcast, please consider supporting our future episodes by making a donation. Every little bit goes a long way and we are immensely grateful for any and all of your support.
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Opening and closing music compliments of my dear friend teaching Ashtanga yoga in Eindhoven, Nick Evans, with his band “dawnSong” from the album “for Morgan.”
Listen to the entire album on Spotify - Click Here.
To purchase your own copy - Click Here.