Sunday Oct 29, 2023
And Don’t Forget To Breathe… With Nick Heath The Breathing Diabetic
Did you know that how you breathe can help to regulate blood sugar levels, improve insulin sensitivity, and reduce the risk of complications from diabetes?
But that’s only a fraction of what a conscious slow breathing practice can do for you!
Today, we dive into the fascinating world of breathwork and its profound impact on managing diabetes, reducing stress, and enhancing our overall health and well-being, whether you’re a diabetic or not!
Nick Heath, famously known as The Breathing Diabetic, joins us today to share valuable insights, not only from his own personal experience, but also from his extensive research in the area of breathing and how it effects us on every level.
Stress reduction is a critical focus point for almost every person alive on the planet today. Stress can have a significant impact on our health and is an underlying cause for many physical and mental health conditions.
Nick dives into the science behind why it’s so important to develop a breathwork practice, how it helps to activate the body's relaxation response, lower stress hormones, helps us sleep better, and promote a greater sense of calm.
We talk about some of differences between mouth breathing verses nose breathing and the natural affiliation a conscious breathwork practice has with mindfulness meditation. We learn the science behind why, when we focus on our breath, we effortlessly increase our ability to concentrate, and this changes how we perceive the world.
More often than not, we take for granted the fact that we’re breathing.
But HOW we breathe significantly influences our mental, emotional and physical health and developing a regular slow breathing practice can change our physiology, increase our ability to focus, modulate emotional states, and regulate our nervous system.
Don’t wait another year!
Learn more about mindful breathing and how to include a conscious breathwork practice into your daily routine.
Reduce Anxiety + Increase Calm
Join my FREE Masterclass This Week!
Save Your Spot - harmonyslater.com/free-breathwork-masterclass
A big heart of thanks to our friends, family, and students from around the world, who’ve generously supported this podcast through your comments, sharing, and financial donations. If you’ve enjoyed today’s podcast, please consider supporting our future episodes by making a donation.
Every little bit goes a long way and we are immensely grateful for any and all of your support.
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Opening and closing music by Nick Evans from his album “for Morgan.” Listen to the entire album on Spotify Here. Purchase your own copy Here.